Great Groove Band Job Description

The Great Groove Band (GGB) production manager and assistants work closely with the professional musicians and the children who participate. 

The GGB manager and assistants should:

  • Enjoy working with musicians of all ages; ability to read music is a plus, but not necessary.
  • Enjoy working with children, some as young as 5, as well as their parents.
  • Be well organized and be able to anticipate what the teachers and the young musicians may need.
  • Work cooperatively with Fest sound and stage managers and office staff


  • At least 30 minutes before each rehearsal, set up chairs and music stands for all participants.
  • Know who and how to contact Central Control if there are no chairs or music stands.
  • Greet the teachers. They may give guidance about what they would like the GGBPA to do.
  • Greet student musicians and their parents when they arrive at rehearsals.
  • When students arrive for the first rehearsal, have parents fill out a sign-up sheet that includes the student’s name, parent’s email address, and instrument.
  • Inform parents (particularly of the youngest students), that you will NOT leave the rehearsal area until all students have been picked up by parents. 
  • Keep rehearsal area quiet and clear of chairs, visitors.
  • Assist the teachers; for example make photocopies of music, get water/coffee
  • At the end of the rehearsal, fold and put away the chairs, clean up the area.
  • Arrange transportation (with Production) of large instruments (keyboards that belong to a student, stand-up bass) to the instrument check area which is in the backstage main stage area.
  • Create a spreadsheet of student participants, using the information on the sign-up sheet, and share it with the Production Committee computer. Keep it updated after each rehearsal.

At the last rehearsal before the Sunday performance:

  • Make sure the parents know where to bring the students for the performance on Main Stage.
  • Get a copy of the stage plot from the teachers (how the teachers would like the main stage set up for the performance) to give to the Main Stage Manager.

On the afternoon of the performance:

  • Greet the students at the entrance gate to the main stage.
  • Guide the parents to the front rows of the main stage seating.
  • Make certain that the main stage management has the correct setup for the performance, including music stands.
  • Help students store away their instrument cases near the Production Office or in a designated area backstage.
  • Bring the younger students up to the main stage so that they can see what it’s like before they go out to perform.
  • Help teachers organize the students for tune-up, pep talk, etc.
  • Make sure younger students use the bathroom before the performance.
  • Cheer them on!!! And participate if desired—singing, playing your own instrument.

Thanks to Leslie Pugach for developing this job description

Great Groove Band performing on Main Stage, Fest 2019