Camp Stage Backstage Manager Job Description

  • Has charge of Camp Stage radio, to be carried or near at all times on duty, picked up and signed out/in at the Production Office and returned at end of shift.
  • Organize the areas for performer gear, keeping all band gear together in separate areas from other bands and guarding it during their performance.
  • Manage the Gate Crew, assisting the Gate Crew Supervisor by helping to make sure that any and all vehicles are preceded by a walker and followed by a walker. Communicate with Gate Crew Supervisor at the Main Stage gate when needed.
  • Assists the Camp Stage managers when needed.
  • Directs vehicles arriving when appropriate, e.g. “where should I park?” This is not necessary for Central Control vehicles.
  • As much as possible, keeps the backstage area as a WORK AREA, discouraging noisy gatherings and keeping the area clear, always facilitating the onstage performance.
  • IMPORTANT! Make sure gate to the trail is locked at all times. Be sure to lock the gate when the stage is finished. You may be the last one to leave when performers and their gear are cleared and all stage crew is finished.
Camp Stage Crew – Fest 2022 – photo Miko Marmel